I Kissed a Girl’s Feet (And I Loved It!)

My name is Beth, I love feet, and this is my story…

I used to think my life was mundanely perfect; a tranquil, anesthetized existence of suburban contentment. But then I found out that my husband was cheating on me and all that stability disappeared in a blink of an eye. Don’t get me wrong—I didn’t mourn the destruction of my marriage, and I didn’t hate my ex-husband for what he’d done. Quite the opposite, in fact.

Because if he had remained faithful, I never would have found my true self. I never would have examined the secret fantasies that had lurked inside my mind my whole life, my inner-submissive nature, and my need for unconventional thrills. If nothing had changed, I never would have admitted my growing attraction to other women and my curiously compelling interest in their feet and toes. And I certainly never would have dared do anything about those nascent desires…

Worst of all, I never would have met Tania. Because that is what this story is all about: how two girls with the rarest of interests found each other and in doing so found an outlet for their erotic needs!